Thursday 20 October 2011

Week 5 - Defining the lips

The final part of defining the facial features involves the lips. This is very important because when I come to using the Morpher modifier to animate my final face, the lips will be a key part of the face that will move. Firstly, I separated the lips into polygons. This could be done one of two ways, by either adding polygons onto either lip so there are two sets of polygons or by created one set of polygons and then cutting them through the middle:

The next step is to move the polygons to give a more realistic shape:

This is the outcome after the mesh has been turbo smoothed. I am very pleased with the outcome.

For presentation purposes, I added a lip texture to the lips to show how well they are defined. When I use the UV Mapping later on in the project, the textures will be replaced.

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