Friday 23 September 2011

My Reaction To The Initial Brief

I have experience with the design phase of a similar assignment during Introduction to Animation last year however the production will be completely new and different to anything I have done before.

Upon receiving the initial brief for Virtual Environments today, I am looking forward to what the course entails because I really enjoyed the modelling module last semester and I can't wait to use the software again in even more detail. I am very familiar with the design phase during similar tasks previously on my studies and I am just interested in building on what I have already learnt so far.

For the first 5 weeks, I will be creating a model of my own head individually using spline modelling. This will be interesting because in my last semester, I created a 3D model of a man for use in my James Bond Trailer using a different method, and I also completed a tutorial where I created different expressions on a default face structure and recorded these as a video. It will expand on my current knowledge of modelling and will definitely benefit me if I go into this kind of business in the future as a career.

Alongside this, I am going to be working in a group to create a 3D model of a grade 1 listed building. This would be very useful if I went into the gaming business because I would need to be able to experiment with and model different kinds of environments with different materials, sounds and lighting settings which look realistic.

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